
Showing posts from June, 2021

Trump Vindicated, Climate Change Proven A Product of Imagination

Sunday, April 30 th , 2017 Today marks a monumental day in environmental history. The results of a recent meta-analysis of twenty-seven independent studies have officially been released to the general public, and they prove beyond a reasonable doubt what most of the world has believed all along: climate change is actually a figment of our collective imagination. It turns out that our planet actually operates like a giant sponge; all of the pollutants, toxic smog, and non-biodegradable plastics that humans release into the natural environment are actually safely reabsorbed into the planet on a regular basis. This process, known as hyperbiodegradation, has profound implications that reach all the way down to our fundamental understanding of this planet we call home. Until now, we believed that pollutants lingered around, slowly piled up, and gradually choked the life out of our Earth. However, now we know that hyperbiodegradation kicks in almost immediately upon their submersion into nat...


Hiya, friends! Cass here. It would appear that I posted about three things to this blog and then just stopped. Let me just say that sometimes, appearances aren't deceiving. Yeah, sorry about that. In short, life happened. Between trying to cope with distance learning during COVID-19, all the political and socioeconomic drama that's been plaguing society lately, and my own mental health, it just got a little too much for awhile. I'd be lying if I said things were much better now, but I want get back to posting regardless. Truth is, I never forgot about this blog for more than a day or two at a time; I just couldn't quite force myself to take the leap and return. While most of the media posted here was written long before it's published, it still takes a lot more time than I expected to edit posts, clean them up, and make sure the sources are properly cited. As I always say, you haven't lived until you've had to hunt for the exact edition of the film you refer...