
Hello there! My name's Cass Aleatory, and I'm a gamewriter and indie developer currently studying at UW-Whitewater. I'm a triple major in Professional Writing & Publishing, Film Studies, and Media Arts & Game Development. While I specialize in writing stories, I also produce a wide variety of other (nonfiction) content. To avoid cluttering my portfolio with a ton of different writing that doesn't necessarily match my chosen focus, I decided to create this blog to host my best nonfiction pieces. Expect to see analysis of fiction writing, comics, film, and games, as well as proposals, technical writing, and any manner of other miscellaneous stuffs. Starting in October 2020, I'll begin publishing work from my backlog. I'll be posting about once a week until I clear the backlog; after that, I'll only post when I have something new to share. To help folks navigate everything, I'll be as descriptive as possible with the post labels, so if you're h...